Managing My To-Do List


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Mandatory Prerequisites

Prior to managing My To-Do List, refer to the following Topics:

Screenshot and Field Descriptions: My To-Do List - Grid View Tab


Type: this will display the value My To-Do List and is not editable.


User: this will display the ID and Name of the user that is logged in.


Status: this is the To-Do Entries table selection Status. Select from:


To-Do Entries table: this shows the selected To-Do entries for the user. If Diary is the value in the Source column, double click a row to populate the fields below the table for editing. If the Source column has a different value, then double click the row to open the entry in its application, ie. if the Source is Workflow the Workflow Status application will open.

Entries in the table are colour coded as follows:

The table can be displayed in Grid, Month or Week views.


Date: this is the due date of the Diary entry.


Type: this is a drop down list of Entity types to record the Diary entry for.


Event: this is the Event type for the Diary entry.


Review: this is the Lease Review Profile associated with the Diary entry. It will default to the value set up for the Event.

This field is only visible when Lease is selected in the Type drop down list.


Entry: this is free form text describing the Diary entry. It will default to the value set up for the Event.


Action-G: this is the Action Group of users who are responsible for the Diary entry. It will default to the value set up for the Event. Either this or the Escalation must be supplied.


Reminder From: this is the date that the Action Group of users will start to be reminded from. This date can be automatically calculated based on the reminder period set up for the Event.


Escalation: this is the Escalation Profile associated with the Diary entry for alerting different Action Groups of users at certain times for the Diary entry. It will default to the value set up for the Event.

If an Escalation is entered then any values in the Action-G and Reminder fields are automatically cleared as they are no longer required.

Complete: this check box is for denoting that the Diary entry has been actioned and considered complete.

Screenshot: Diary - Month View Tab


Screenshot: Diary - Week View Tab


How Do I : Search For and Maintain Entities

These General Rules are described in the Fundamentals Manual: How Do I : Search For and Maintain Entities

How Do I : Add a new Diary Entry using the My To-Do List

  1. At the Date field enter or select the due date of the Diary entry.
  2. At the Type field, select an Entity type.
  3. At the Entity field, locate an Entity.
  4. At the Event field, locate the Event relating to the Diary entry.
  5. Based on the Event selected the Review, Entry, Action Group, Escalation and Reminder fields may be automatically populated. Amend any of these fields if required.
  6. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Add to add the Diary entry to the To-Do Entries table.
  7. Confirm that you wish to add the record.

How Do I : Modify an existing Diary Entry using the My To-Do List

  1. Optionally select a different item from the Status drop down list to determine the contents shown in the To-Do Entries table.
  2. Double click a row in the To-Do Entries table where the value in the Source column is Diary to change. It's components will be loaded into the fields in the tab.
  3. As an example, tick or un-tick the Complete check box.
  4. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Change to change the Diary entry in the To-Do Entries table.
  5. Confirm that you wish to change the record.

How Do I : Delete an existing Diary Entry using the My To-Do List

  1. Optionally select a different item from the Status drop down list to determine the contents shown in the To-Do Entries table.
  2. Double click a row in the To-Do Entries table where the value in the Source column is Diary to delete. It's components will be loaded into the fields in the tab.
  3. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Delete to delete the Diary entry from the To-Do Entries table.
  4. Confirm that you wish to delete the record.

How Do I : Tag multiple To-Do Entries as Complete

  1. Optionally select a different item from the Status drop down list to determine the contents shown in the To-Do Entries table.
  2. On the To-Do Entries table, click the check box in the Complete column on all the To-Do entries to mark as complete.
  3. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Change.
  4. Confirm that you wish to change the records.

How Do I : Create a Recurrence pattern of a Diary Entry

  1. On the To-Do Entries table, click the check box in the R column of the Diary entry to create a recurrence for.
  2. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Recurrence.
  3. The Diary Recurrence application will display. Refer to Create Diary Recurrences for creating Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly diary recurrences.
  4. When you have returned from the Diary Recurrence application, the screen will re-populate and display the new Diary entries.

How Do I : Export a Diary Entry to Microsoft Outlook


  1. Single click a row in the To-Do Entries table to export.
  2. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Export.
  3. The Windows Save dialog will show. Select a location to save the file and click the Save button.
  4. A message box will show asking if you want to open the file now. Click Yes. If you have an iCalendar compatible application installed, the Diary entry will open in the appropriate area of that application. For example, if you have Microsoft Outlook installed, the Appointments screen will appear.
  5. Complete the steps the iCalendar compatible application requires to save the Diary entry.

How Do I : E-Mail a Diary Entry


  1. Single click a row in the To-Do Entries table to export.
  2. Click the Application tool-bar push button: E-Mail.
  3. The E-Mail application is displayed with the Diary entry attached to the E-Mail template. It is in the iCalendar format which is compatible with applications such as Microsoft Outlook.
  4. Refer to Sending E-Mails for field descriptions and how to send the e-mail.

Related Topics

My To-Do List entries are associated with the following Topics: